Presentation Requests

RESPECT presentations focus on various aspects of sexual violence with an emphasis on cultural change and the use of bystander intervention. Presentations typically take 1 hour.  The presentations are designed to be a facilitated conversation with the audience. Usually, 2 to 4 RESPECT peer educators lead the discussion.

Presentation content includes:

  • Identifying sexual assault
  • Prevalence of sexual assault
  • Alcohol/Drug-facilitated rape
  • Defining rape culture
  • Dispelling rape myths
  • Bystander intervention for prevention and change


To request a RESPECT presentation, email the following information to 

  • Contact name, phone number, email
  • Organization or group requesting presentation
  • Date of presentation
  • Time of presentation
  • Location of presentation
  • Estimated size of audience/participants
  • Any special request to include beyond the standard presentation (every effort possible will be made to accommodate special requests)

