My Cup is Not My Consent
Alcohol-facilitated sexual assault is a very common form of sexual violence present on college campuses across the Nation. According to The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Survey (2007), 89% of college rapes occurred when the victim/survivor was incapacitated due to alcohol. Other research has indicated that 90% of campus sexual assaults involve alcohol. The fact is, alcohol is part of many sexual assaults.
Obtaining consent for sexual activity is necessary each and every time. A person who is incapacitated by alcohol (or other substances) is not able to knowingly give consent. Therefore, never assume that consent is given when someone is under the influence of an intoxicating substance. Let’s face it, if they really want to have sex with you, they will when they are sober too; and it is likely to be a much better experience when everyone is fully into it.
Think about the following before engaging in sexual activity with anyone, especially when alcohol is in the picture.
Know the facts…
are sexually assaulted while in college
Understand consent…
Recognize that alcohol affects a person’s capacity…
So, if you wouldn’t let someone do these things
when under the influence,
then why would anyone think they
have the capacity to consent to sex!